May 12, 2016


Episode 000 Welcome to the Podcast

Episode 000 Welcome to the Podcast
Uncomfortable is OK Podcast
Episode 000 Welcome to the Podcast

May 12 2016 | 00:02:49


Show Notes

Hi everyone. Welcome to the introduction episode of the Uncomfortable is OK podcast. Episode triple Zero!

My name is Chris Desmond and I’ll be your host here.

So the idea for the podcast came about because there are heaps of people out there, myself included that only operate within our comfort zones. We’ll adopt the mindset that “Hey, it’s easier not too”. We do the same things that we always do, because they are easy, because they are comfortable, and sometimes because society tells us that we should.

We don’t often challenge ourselves or pursue that big idea. Often this is because we are afraid; afraid of failure, afraid of being judged, afraid of what success might mean for us, or just afraid of the discomfort of doing something different or asking different questions. We have this inner battle with ourselves and it can be really uncomfortable.

I’m trying to get the message out that it is ok for us to be uncertain, to be uncomfortable, everybody has this from time to time. And it’s only by pushing into these uncomfortable areas that we grow as people and as societies.

So we’re going to start off with a weekly podcast coming out on a Tuesday Aotearoa time. Predominantly it’ll be me sitting down and having a chat with cool people. We’ll talk about uncomfortable things that they’ve done or are in the process of doing. We’ll talk about uncomfortable ideas that they’ve had, or ideas that challenge society’s comfortable beliefs.

Because everyone has a different comfort zone and different threshold for discomfort we’re going to speak with a wide array of people from a whole lot different walks of life to get their perspectives.

Now you as a listener aren’t going to like every episode, some of the stuff we talk about might make you uncomfortable, but hey that is the point! I don’t know where this is going to go, or how it’ll evolve but I promise I’ll keep you in the loop.

If you know someone you think it would be cool for me to talk to, or if you want to have a conversation then get in touch with me. Search for Uncomfortable is OK on Facebook, @uncomfortableisok on Instagram or email me [email protected].

And if this sound like something that you want to get into your ear holes on a regular basis then head over to Uncomfortableisok on iTunes and subscribe to get all the episodes.

I’ll catch up with all of you guys on Tuesday for our first three episodes coming out all together so you can enjoy an aural feast.

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