Episode 296

August 09, 2022


UIOK 296: 5 ways to live more positively with Dr David Keane

UIOK 296: 5 ways to live more positively with Dr David Keane
Uncomfortable is OK Podcast
UIOK 296: 5 ways to live more positively with Dr David Keane

Aug 09 2022 | 00:40:21


Show Notes

Dr David Keane, Founder and CEO at The 10 Behaviours of Successful People joins us for a conversation around increasing positivity and meaning in our lives.

This conversation was originally recorded in 2020 at the kick off of Covid, so contextually we're having this dicussion with all that was going on at the time, AND the points David discusses with us are as valuable today as they were then.

We talk about

- How we define success for ourselves, and the impact it has on how we live our lives

- Hitting pause to take time to reflect

- Simplifying the complexity of our lives

- Intentionally placing our focus

- Doing an information audit on the information we are exposing ourselves to

"Uncomfortable is OK" is brought to you by Health Mentors - helping change makers dial in their health, and improve their performance in the middle of a chaotic world www.healthmentors.nz

Email Chris - chris@healthmentors.nz 

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